The NFX Podcast
The NFX Podcast
We believe creating something of true significance starts with seeing things others do not. NFX is a venture firm exclusively focused on pre-seed & seed stage startups.
James CurrierPete FlintOmri Amirav-DroryMorgan BellerGigi Levy-Weiss

Ep 11: Network Effects In TechBio (NFX Masterclass)

E162 • Dec 21, 2022 • 10 mins

Biology is the most advanced technology on earth. It’s a nanotechnology that actually works, and it scales. The rest of the world will benefit when there are more TechBio founders and investors in the space and this sector has never been more central to shaping a better future. The next significant phase of human progress is going to be led by these Scientist-Founders who build TechBio companies capable of unlocking that future. In this episode, general partner Omri Drory explores how network effects are helping TechBio companies cure diseases, fight climate change, and tackle some of the biggest issues facing humanity today.

Key Points

  • Tech bio companies are leveraging network effects to address immense challenges like curing diseases and climate change by creating sustainable solutions independent of fossil fuels.
  • Mammoth Biosciences exemplifies a successful tech bio company, using novel CRISPR systems for both diagnostics and therapeutics, and growing an ecosystem through partnerships that utilize their platform for developing a wide range of products.
  • Regulation in the biotechnology field, while often seen as a barrier, can become a defensibility factor as approved technologies attract other companies seeking to build upon tested and lower-risk platforms.

This is an audio version of final episode from The Network Effects Masterclass, curated for audio and listening on the go. For the full video experience, transcripts, and recommended reading, join the free Network Effects Masterclass at -

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